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Professional Instructors



Students in Courses



around the world

Dream Big

Inspire the world

A Social eLearning platform for your WordPress site. For corporate training and Education centers around the world.

  • Activity tracking & Spec compliance
  • Assured design & code quality
  • Improved architechture
  • Unparalleled support



Join our award-winning platform, and enjoy a creative, dynamic and inclusive culture focused on one goal.

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Corporate Training Center.

Enable companies to manage their custom groups of students, courses and view statistics.
Companies can register themselves on this portal and show selected courses to their employees and track their performances.


Notification & Emails

Send automatic notifications, emails & messages to Instructors, Students

 Online & Offline courses

Teach students online as well as offline with units, quizzes & assignments

Notification & Emails

Send automatic notifications, emails & messages to Instructors, Students

Notification & Emails

Send automatic notifications, emails & messages to Instructors, Students

Social eLearning experience

In the eyeball there is a clash between creation and reflection. The two-way globes of sight are magical revolving doors where the creative spirit meets itself in the created spirit.

Learn more →

Get started with our popular courses

Select courses to get started with our corporate packages.

Об интенсиве

8-недельный онлайн интенсив с женским психологом Натальей Соловьевой - это увлекательная работа в премиальной мини-группе с использованием лучших инновационных психотехнологий, дающих быстрый желаемый результат.

Сделайте шаг к Настоящей себе!

2019-2025 Данный сайт принадлежит ИП Соловьева Наталья Валерьевна ИНН 343517439717 ОГРНИП 323774600803909